Site icon Sivam Pillai

Do Right

Backpacker Enjoying View From the Summit - Adventure and Challenge

If our lives can be perfectly smooth probably we are not making the best use of it; we are not pushing ourselves enough. Life is meant to be difficult because that is the best way we evolve, we build a better self and a better tomorrow. These thoughts were what made me write this song.

No matter what happens, no matter how hard failures hit you, never look down nor look behind. Keep doing, Keep going!

Once again a BIG Disclaimer: No I am not a singer. After I wrote this, I felt this is worthy of a song. I just tried what I can with a minimal setup of mobile phone recording and Audacity for noise removal and background track mixing.

Where is it going,
what am I doing,
how to take over,
when to surrender,

Distracted, dysfunctional,
lost I am,
Sleep deprivation,
its 3 AM,

Phone display, Len Yoga,
lab monitor screen,
all day and night,
that’s where I’ve been,

hate life, hate work,
or am I just confused,
unrest, in stress,
brainpower underused,

how to survive,
time to revive,
turn some pages,
old ones archive,

Close your eyes,
open your mind,
break those shackles,
unconfined, redefine,

AI is magic,
witchcraft, wizardry,
science to explain,
beats me, it’s mystery,

Yet an attraction,
to answer the unknown,
superimposed fears,
being left alone,

Sinusoidal low peaks,
deep valley streaks,
am I right there,
where I wanted to be,

how to survive,
time to revive,
turn some pages,
old ones archive,

Close your eyes,
open your mind,
break those shackles,
unconfined, redefine,

Someone told me,
if life was easy,
am not doing it right at all,

to rise, to fight,
to get stronger,
deeper down I need to fall,

stupid I prayed,
give me more pain,
I know I can,
come back again.

Not defending its good,
but cringing why you would,
may never win the fight,
but its alright,

You win, you lose,
tomorrow its all gone,
embrace and learn,
move on, respawn.

What was I asking,
keep going, keep doing,
no guilt no fear,
do right and cheer.

how to survive,
time to revive,
turn some pages,
old ones archive,

Close your eyes,
open your mind,
break those shackles,
unconfined, redefine,

What was I asking,
keep going, keep doing,
no guilt no fear,
do right and cheer.

Hope you liked it. As always thanks for reading!

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